St John Malta – Appeal for financial help to Johanniter International assisting Ukrainians in cities under siege and in refugee centres in Poland and Hungary
Working on the ground inside Ukraine, in collaboration with the German Ukraine Forum, Johanniter International (JOIN) Assistance, St John International is providing vital humanitarian assistance to Ukrainian refugees and families under siege. It has already distributed 2,600 relief packs with necessary items like sugar, flour, rice, oil and personal hygiene articles in the south Ukrainian city of Poltawa, home to 300,000 people, a city surrounded by the Russian army.
In Poland and Hungary, it is also providing assistance to the displaced refugees consisting of tents, cots, blankets and food, whilst also providing medical and psychological care.
St John Malta which forms part of Johanniter International is raising funds to contribute towards the humanitarian work of the Johanniter organisations on the ground in Ukraine and with Ukrainian refugees in neighbouring Poland and Hungary.
For this reason, St John Malta is launching a national fund-raising campaign to help in the financing of these relief efforts by the Johanniter International organisations working inside Ukraine and in Poland and Hungary.
Anyone who wishes to help may send donations to this bank account:
St John Malta
IBAN: MT28VALL22013000000013205395015
Reference: Ukraine
via PayPal, Debit Card or Credit card on the St John Rescue Corps website. St John Rescue Corps is an integral part of St John Malta.
Reference ‘Ukraine’